Safety first...
We have talked about this before, but before we go any further in this blog, if you are here to make a decision, then please let us just stress something very important first. SAFETY FIRST.
Not all IPL and BBL machines are equal. More so than almost anything else in aesthetics the investment made by a reputable Physician Directed clinic should play a major part in your decision-making process. Laser treatments in Canada, and in British Columbia in particular, are largely unregulated industry. Doctors are highly regulated; so there’s a good start.
I cannot stress enough; the machines out there are not all the same. When it comes to IPL, you tend to get what you pay for.
Unfortunately, most of the machines that are out there are unreliable and potentially dangerous and give light therapy treatments in general, a bad reputation. A high quality (and very expensive) IPL machine can deliver fantastic results. However, due to the range of technology on the market and lack of regulation, the consumer has NO idea what they are getting into when they book in for one of these treatments.
Who is operating your laser for your treatment? Although the BBL machine is far superior, as we have said, the operator’s clinical skill is as essential as any machine they use. It is critical to carefully choose your service provider and not just go to a place that offers the cheapest price.
Ask questions! What qualifications do they have? What experience have they had? Who trained them? Do they do continued education? Is there a medical director that understands and is involved in laser treatments?
BBL vs IPL Photorejuvenation – The Difference
In our role as a leading Medical Aesthetics clinic with leading dermal treatments, I want to address the number one question from my clients, “What is the difference between IPL and BBL?”.
Below we are going to look at the key differences between BBL and IPL.
IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light, and BBL stands for BroadBand Light.
Both work by directing light energy into the skin, which is then converted to heat as it reaches its target.
Once the heat energy hits the target, it is absorbed and then damages the target tissue, causing destruction and eventual elimination of the target from the skin. The healing response begins by producing healthy collagen and elastin, creating a healthier, more natural-looking skin condition.
Although they share the same basic concept, there are some significant differences in technology that sets BBL apart in a field of its own.
BBL supersedes IPL in the timeline. BBL was created to fill the gaps in the IPL technology and to give some other distinct benefits.
BroadBand Light - An Overview
For the last decade, light-based therapy has become a widely accepted and reliable method for treating photodamaged skin, treating common conditions such as pigmentation, vascularity, and reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of ageing.
BBL is the latest and most advanced technology in light therapy that sets the standard for treating skin conditions associated with ageing and pigmentation irregularities, with minimal downtime and exceptional long term benefits. With advances in research, science and light technology, BBL now provides highly accurate parameters to deliver superior results and allow clinicians to design treatments that are personalized for individual patients, to precisely target concerns such as:
- Skin Tone and Texture
- Pigmentation
- Broken Capillaries
- Rosacea
- Bruising
- Acne
- Ageing
Extensive studies and research have proven that regular BBL treatments prevent cellular ageing and turn back the clock, causing the DNA expression of skin cells to reverse back to youthful, health states. They are literally reversing the ageing process.
We will go into more detail about the ‘Forever Young BBL‘ below.
The Importance of Clinical Imaging
The only way, the ONLY way to measure the success of a laser, IPL or BBL treatment us with clinical imaging.
If your technician is taking your photograph with an iPhone you should save your money and leave!
At Whistler Medical Aesthetics, our consultant will take several images using one of our state of the art clinical camera systems. For BBL treatments, we prefer the Visia Skin Analysis photographic system
This incredible tool takes photographs by applying a highly advanced lens with various filters. The pictures offer an experienced clinician a wealth of information to see deeper, dermal pigmentation that cannot be seen by the human eye. While these images can be uncomfortable to see, they are a fantastic tool to track your treatment’s progress and can show the significant changes going on beneath the skin that cannot be seen by the naked eye.
The following images have been given consent to the use of their photographs publicly.
Skin cells with aged DNA create dull, parched (dehydrated) looking skin. Clinical studies on BBL ™ treatments have shown that it reverts skin cells to a younger state by rejuvenating the cells’ genes and genetic code. Cells with rejuvenated DNA behave younger.
If that sounds like too much science, in the simplest of terms, understand that skin looks younger because it becomes younger on a genetic level.
The state-of-the-art technology is BroadBand Light Therapy. It sets the standard when it comes to skin rejuvenation.
BBL ™ is the only treatment that can change the expression of genes associated with ageing and longevity. This means BBL ™ restores the genetic ageing pattern of the skin. Simply put, if you want to change the way you age, then you want BroadBand Light.
The BBL ™ machine has multiple, high tech, skin-specific light filters for the most customizable treatment. BBL is equipped with an advanced cooling method that creates an unprecedented level of comfort and safety.
It can use potent, high-powered energy with minimal pain, side effects, or post-treatment recovery. Forever Young BBL ™ treatments are fast, require no downtime, and have lasting and ongoing results. Patients especially love it for their face, neck, upper chest and hands.
Throughout 2018, 2019 and 2020, we have treated hundreds of patients, and we have recorded and had published clinical photography from our patients’ outcomes.
We have seen first hand the jaw-dropping results that this technology can achieve, performing at a superior level to any IPL machine we have used in the past.
At Whistler Medical Aesthetics, we love BBL ™ because it is one of the most predictable and most effective treatments available. It works to reduce sun spots, age spots, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, acne, and redness. BBL will help you fall back in love with your skin.
Intense pulsed light or IPL can also be an effective treatment with a reputable IPL machine and a trained, experienced clinician. The standard is an effective treatment for photorejuvenation, but if you are looking for better results over a lower price, you should consider the premium solution, BroadBand Light Therapy.
Who is operating your laser for your treatment? Although the BBL machine is far superior, as we have said, the operator’s clinical skill is as essential as any machine they use. It is critical to carefully choose your service provider and not just go to a place that offers the cheapest price.
Ask questions! What qualifications do they have? What experience have they had? Who trained them? Do they do continued education? Is there a medical director that understands and is involved in laser treatments?