Excessive Sweating

An amazing treatment offered at a Huge Savings.

Some people go through life trying to keep their head down so they don’t draw too much attention to themselves. Some people however, go through much of adult life trying to keep their arms down.

If you are one of these people, you may be suffering from a medical condition called hyperhidrosis — excessive sweating.

Unfortunately, for many professionals, keeping their arms down to hide the sweat marks almost impossible.

It can be embarrassing, make people feel extremely self-conscious about all day, every day. You don’t have to be doing any physical activity to sweat.

There have traditionally been many different treatments attempted, including prescription antiperspirants but I have found that nothing works as well as Therapeutic Botox, an increasingly popular procedure often associated with cosmetic medicine: Botox.

It’s one of the more amazing treatments that I can do for people, I can administer simple injections and patients come back the next time just so happy with how much this procedure has improved their lives.

About two to three per cent of the population suffer from hyperhidrosis and sweat excessively in certain areas, often the armpits, palms of the hands or soles of the feet.

Few people know about the effectiveness of Botox in treating hyperhidrosis.

Sweating is a normal function of the body — it helps cool us down, but about two to three per cent of the population suffer from hyperhidrosis and sweat excessively in certain areas, often the armpits, palms of the hands or soles of the feet.

“There is nothing wrong with their sweat glands, it’s the signals from their brain that are causing their sweat glands to overreact to normal situations.

Excessive Sweating

It can be a vicious circle, you worry it’s going to get worse and then that gives them another reason for sweating.

Approved more than a decade ago by Health Canada, Botox has been revolutionary for many people suffering from hyperhidrosis. It works by blocking the signals from the nerve endings to the sweat glands so the glands are no longer activated. The effect begins about a week after treatment and lasts between six months and year.

While it can be used in other areas, most patients are treated for hyperhidrosis in the armpits because injections to the hands and feet are often intolerably painful.

There are about 20-25 injections per armpit, and it can be a bit uncomfortable, too. The best thing is that while this treatment normally costs about $1,000 for both armpits, we can now guarantee to cover the medication cost (the most expensive bit) of your first treatment if you have Extended Medical Cover, regardless of whether your insurance company approves the claim.

A lot of insurance companies are covering the cost for patients because it’s seen to be a medical problem and not just a cosmetic issue.

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