IN 1992, SkinCeuticals Founding Scientist Sheldon Pinnell, M.D. continues his pivotal research on topical antioxidants, leading to the first vitamin Cpatent – a breakthrough discovery and the creation of an entirely new skincare category.
So what exactly is the difference between the skincare you find on the shelf and Physicains grade skincare ranges.
Well its simple. The best products have the best ingredients, in the purest form, at the appropriate strength and in the correct combinations proven by scientific research. When you invest in Physicians skincare you receive a complimentary skin health check, and you receive the best product that is right for YOU.
So how is that really so different?
Medical grade or pharmaceutical grade products are only available from reputable Physicians’ clinics. (Beware of knock-offs available online). Medical grade skincare products HAVE to be registered with Health Canada and are required to contain ingredients that are 99% pure. Products that are purchased at department stores, drug stores, or on Amazon are not held to the same standards. They may contain fillers. They may be fake.
More of what really matters
We’ve all heard of the important active ingredients recommended for healthier skin: retinoids, vitamin C, antioxidants, and the list goes on and on). Medical grade skin care products have higher concentrations of active ingredients.
If there is an active ingredient in an over-the-counter cosmetic product, there just may not be enough of it to have an effect, or it may take much longer to get an effect.
For example, let’s talk about Hydroquinone. Hydroquinone is the active ingredient in skincare products that are trying to lighten hyperpigmentation. Hydroquinone is used in medical-grade skincare in concentrations up to 5%.
But over the counter concentrations are capped at 2%, since 1982 when the FDA limit was put in place. So, to be compliant, one well-known product by Rodan + Fields lightening agent contains 2% hydroquinone. Some patients will achieve lightening at this low dose, but others may not see any effect unless the active ingredient is at higher concentrations. Those higher concentrations are simply prohibited in over-the-counter products.
Backed by Science not Advertising
Medical grade skincare products must have clinical research studies to back up any claims about their benefits. On the other hand, over-the-counter skincare products do not need to have clinical studies or research behind their claims.
Medical-grade skincare products have Health Canada oversight and registration. Health Canada only considers two types of categories – cosmetic, and pharmaceutical grade (contrary to popular belief there is no such thing as a cosmeceutical).
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Distinguished Professor, Collagen Chemist and Dermatologist Dr. Sheldon Pinnell. Dr. Pinnell’s skin science research has garnered him ten patents over the past three decades. The most important patent in SkinCeuticals history pertains to “A Stable Solution of L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C).”
If you’ve purchased something from a non medical professional, in any store, or online, understand these agents only work on the outermost skin layer called the epidermis. They sit on the surface and barely penetrate into deeper layers.
Pharmaceutical or medical-grade skincare products are formulated to be delivered to the dermis. This is where the collagen scaffold and collagen-producing cells live. To make any real changes to the skin, the deep dermis has to be impacted.
Favourite Products
A patented daytime vitamin C serum that delivers advanced environmental protection and improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, loss of firmness, and brightens skin’s complexion. Now clinically proven to reduce combined oxidative damage from free radicals generated by UV, Ozone, and Diesel Exhaust by up to 41%. U.S. Patent No. 7,179,841.
Why not pop in for a chat, enjoy a free photographic dermatological analysis of your skin, and start healing your skin tomorrow.